20 gestures that can get you in trouble

If you have ever been abroad, then you know how difficult it is sometimes to find a common language with the local population and how easy it is to offend a person of another culture. Sometimes a seemingly harmless action can lead to very dire consequences for you.

Sign language in different countries is very different: what is considered a greeting for some, is indecent for others. Therefore, do not be surprised if a Japanese, Chinese or Thai shies away from an outstretched hand, as if from an infection.

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1. "OK"

In Australia, USA, Russia, Great Britain and Canada, such a gesture means approval, joy. In Japan, money.

In France, it means zero, worthless.

In some countries of the Middle East, for example, Kuwait – the evil eye.

In Greece and Turkey, this gesture is very vulgar, meaning a similar hole in a person's body or hints at homosexuality.

Such a gesture in Brazil is considered obscene, means about the same as the middle finger in a number of countries. So it is better to leave the idea of showing "OK" to the hotel manager: you will be completely misunderstood.

And in no case show such a gesture in Tunisia, since there the meaning of this gesture is translated as – I will kill you.

2. Exposed palm "Munz"

The palm extended in the direction of the interlocutor is often used to say "stop."

However, in Greece, Africa and Pakistan, this gesture has a different – offensive and confrontational meaning. It is used when they want to express extreme indignation or, roughly speaking, "send" the interlocutor. This gesture remains from Byzantine times, when smoke was smeared on the face of a criminal to make him an object of ridicule. If you were lucky, they smeared it with coal, if not, then with excrement ...

3. Thumb up

In Australia, USA, UK, Canada and Russia, it is a seal of approval.

But if, having shown such a gesture in Thailand, where it is tantamount to showing the tongue, you can get off with a slight fright, then in other countries you may be much less fortunate. In Latin America, West Africa, South America, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan, this signifies an extremely indecent intention towards the interlocutor, the equivalent of which is the middle finger. So by showing it, you will inflict a huge offense on the person.

4. "Goat"

American rock musician and singer Ronnie James Dio was the first to show this gesture at a rock concert. And his fans immediately adopted him. And now the goat gesture is very popular among rockers and metalheads.

However, this gesture, shown to someone behind the back in Italy, Brazil, Colombia, Portugal and Spain, means that the spouse is giving him the horns, and the person himself is a complete failure.

5. Fist and elbow

In Mexico, South America and many Latin American countries, this gesture is known as "Tacano" – curmudgeon.

And in Australia and Germany, he points out that the addressee is an idiot and his brain is smaller than the size of a fist.

6. A fist on the forehead

Using this gesture in Brazil, you directly ask the person: "Are you an idiot?"

7. Sweep the hand from under the chin

In Italy, this gesture directed towards the interlocutor is a rather rude way of expressing your indifference.

8. "Call of the dog"

The beckoning gesture with the index finger in many countries means "come to me"

But in the Philippines, this gesture is appropriate only in relation to dogs and suggests that you consider the interlocutor below you. In addition, the use of this gesture in this country is guaranteed to entail a prison term.

9. Index and middle fingers crossed

In Australia, USA, UK, Canada, Europe, this is a wish of luck.

But if you find yourself in Vietnam and you need luck, then it is better not to show such a gesture. Here he is very indecent (means female genitals).

10. Raised up and folded together middle and index fingers

In the United States, such a gesture means inseparable friends or a close-knit team.

But in the UK, this gesture is used as a threat to the interlocutor.

11. "V" (Victory)

In the United States, and in many other countries, no matter how you look at it, this gesture means victory, peace.

But in Ireland, Great Britain and some countries of the British Commonwealth, it will be more likely to be perceived as a declaration of war, if the brush is turned to the interlocutor with the back side. You rudely send the addressee to hell.

12. The thumb and forefinger are straight, the rest are bent

Such a gesture in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria means the number 2, in China – 8.

But in America he says that the person to whom this gesture is addressed is a "loser". In Italy, the meaning of this gesture is even worse.

13. Left hand gesture

In many countries, people do not pay attention to which hand they use to offer something to other people.

In India, Sri Lanka, Africa and the Near and Middle East, the left hand is considered dirty. It is still used to wipe the toilet. There is a left – the height of indecency. Even a left-handed person should eat with his right hand. The same goes for shaking hands and handing over objects. Stretching out your left hand to someone is like saying that you think that person is a trash.

And in Japan, giving with both hands is considered polite, while a one-handed gesture may imply disdain.

14. "Kukish" or "fig"

In Australia, Great Britain, Canada, this is a playful gesture that adults use towards a child, pretending to steal his nose. In Brazil, this gesture is used to wish good luck and protect you from the evil eye.

And in Turkey, he has an aggressive and rude character, the equivalent of which in other countries is the middle finger.

15. Three fingers folded together

If the inhabitants of Spain and Mexico put three fingers (thumb, index and middle) together, while applying them to their lips and make a kiss sound, then they want to express their admiration for you.

But in India, using this gesture, you will not express admiration for the person, but, on the contrary, will make it clear – you are a liar!

16. Stroking the head

Usually this gesture is a manifestation of friendliness and tenderness.

However, in Buddhist religion, the crown is the highest point of the body, that is, the place where the soul dwells. Touching the crown is an aggressive invasion of the space of a child or adult. This gesture should be avoided in countries where the majority of people are of the Buddhist religion.

17. Middle finger

This is the most famous and recognizable obscene gesture in the whole world. In addition, this is one of the most ancient gestures, which was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as monkeys. An analogue of this gesture is the elbow-deep gesture when the left hand is placed on the fold of the right hand.

However, in Asian countries the middle finger is used to indicate something.

18. Hands in pockets

If you think you can avoid making rude gestures by sticking your hands in your pockets, you are wrong.

In many countries, including Japan, Korea, and the United Kingdom, keeping your hands in your pockets is a sign of disrespect, especially if you are talking to someone else.

19. Index finger

The index finger itself is versatile. Lift it up, and everyone will subside, because this way you will demand attention to yourself. Apply it to your lips and it will provide you with silence. Twirl your finger at your temple – and you will accurately formulate an opinion about the mental abilities of the interlocutor. But…

If you find yourself in Holland and decide to twirl your finger at your temple, then you let everyone know that you are very smart.

In Italy, this will indicate that you are considered an eccentric person, and in Argentina, this will be invited to the phone.

If you see such a gesture in Peru, then they want to tell you – do not interfere, I think.

20. It's not just your hands that can get you into trouble

In some countries, especially in Asia and the East, showing bare feet to the interlocutor is considered a very rude gesture.

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There are many more nuances, so before setting off, study well the gestures that are familiar to us, but offensive to foreigners, and familiarize yourself with local customs. Do not be lazy and read the Talmuds on the culture of the country you are visiting. You will be more whole. Unless, of course, you have not changed your mind about going somewhere at all...

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