Attention of passengers entering Belarus
From May 28, 2022, for entry into the Republic of Belarus, the requirement to present PCR tests and documents confirming vaccination against COVID-19 has been canceled.
The Republic of Belarus opens vaccine tourism
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 251 of July 1, 2021 "On visa-free entry and exit of foreign citizens" in order to organize vaccination against COVID-19 infection in the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - vaccination), the Council of Ministers has determined the procedure for foreign citizens to visit Belarus for vaccination (Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 400 of July 13, 2021)
1. To establish from July 15, 2021 to December 31, 2022, a visa-free procedure for entering the Republic of Belarus, leaving the Republic of Belarus for citizens of the states specified in the annex (hereinafter referred to as foreigners), and temporary stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for the purpose of vaccination on the period is not more than five days from the date of entry.
2. Determine that:
2.1. The grounds for visa-free entry into the Republic of Belarus and temporary stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus of foreigners are:
2.2. In order to confirm the right of foreigners to visa-free entry to the Republic of Belarus, exit from the Republic of Belarus and temporary stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the collection and other processing of their personal data by the Ministry of Health, including the provision of the specified data to the State Border Committee and internal affairs bodies, is carried out without written consent of foreigners.
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A list of 73 countries, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 251 of July 1, 2021 "On visa-free entry and exit of foreign citizens", whose citizens can come to Belarus without a visa and be vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine.
Online application for vaccination in the Republic of Belarus.
If the entry was made from a country of the "green zone", self-isolation is not required.
Self-isolation is required when entering the Republic of Belarus from countries of the "red zone". It will be possible to enter without quarantine if you have a vaccination certificate. Both doses must be received at least 1 month and no more than 12 months before the date of the country border crossing.
The list of countries of the "red zone" in which cases of infection with COVID-19 are registered as of June 16, 2021.
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Also, by the resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 401 of July 14, 2021,the following changes were made:>
1. Reducing the period of self-isolation for citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons related to first-level contacts with persons with COVID-19 infection. Self-isolation will need to be observed within 7 calendar days from the date of the last contact (earlier than 10 days). Also, a new form of requirement for compliance with the rules of conduct in self-isolation has been established.
2. Entry allowed:
It is allowed to use the original or a copy of the medical document on paper or in electronic form to confirm a negative laboratory test result for COVID-19 infection, including in the "Traveling without COVID-19" system:
In accordance with Decree No. 401, the Ministry of Health and the State Border Committee were instructed to take measures to properly inform foreigners about the observance of the rules of conduct in self-isolation by serving the relevant requirements, drawn up, if necessary, in English.
The resolution comes into force after its official publication.
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