First, you should immediately make a statement to the police and get a document confirming the fact of your appeal. In the statement to the police, you should indicate the amount of damage caused to you. It should be remembered that the amounts you indicate in the absence of documentary evidence (customs declaration on the import of currency, stubs of bank receipts, etc.) will be taken by law enforcement agencies only for information.
If you are injured or the victim of a sexual offense during an incident, you should immediately see a doctor or medical examiner.
If you have questions about the laws of the host country and the prospects for your case, you should contact your local attorney or lawyer. Appealing to Uzbek lawyers does not make sense for several reasons:
Your next step should be a message, better written, to the consular office of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad about the incident with you. This may be helpful to you.
You have the right to count on the fact that the consular office of the Republic of Uzbekistan will monitor the development of the case and, if any of the participants in the process violate your legal rights, the consular office can apply to the law enforcement agencies of the host country to comply with laws in relation to a citizen of the Republic Uzbekistan.
If, as a result of crimes committed against you abroad, documents proving your identity are lost, the consular office will draw up documents for you to return to Uzbekistan.
* * *
Remember (!)
Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, legal entities can always receive full protection of their rights and interests by consular institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad. A consular officer is obliged to take measures to ensure that citizens and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan enjoy all the rights granted to them by international treaties to which the Republic of Uzbekistan and the host state of the consular post are parties, international customs, as well as the legislation of the host state of the consular post, if such rights do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (Article 15 of the Consular Charter of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.ZRU-517 dated January 17, 2019)
In addition, consular offices contribute to the development of friendly relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the host states and the expansion of economic, trade, scientific, technical, cultural and other ties with them. (Article 1 of the Consular Charter of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.ZRU-517 dated January 17, 2019)
We wish you good travels and no problems, but we recommend that you take a printout of this document with you on your travels!
Have a nice holiday!
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