The plane, according to experts, is the safest form of transport. But air travel can be a serious health test. However, if you know in advance what awaits us, you can minimize damage to health and nerves.
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At the altitude at which airplanes fly, the level of solar radiation is higher than at the earth's surface. For 8 hours of flight, the passenger receives the same dose of radiation as during an X-ray examination. Radiation is harmful to the body in that it produces free radicals that damage cells.
How to neutralize radiation?
Oxygen starvation
It is impossible to breathe at the altitude at which most of the flight takes place, since there is low pressure overboard, discharged cold and dry air. Therefore, an artificial atmosphere is created in the aircraft cabin. One part of the air comes from an open space and, passing through special compressors, becomes usable. The other part was "captured" by the plane from the ground. The oxygen content of this mixture is about 25% lower than usual, which leads to oxygen starvation.
The first signs of oxygen starvation:
What to do in such a situation?
During the flight, the only way to make the flight easier is to ask the flight attendant for an oxygen bag or cylinder and not part with this device until the end of the flight.
The circulation of air in the cabin promotes the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses, which are carried by air conditioning throughout the aircraft. As a result, many people experience various ailments within 48 hours of flying. And if any of the passengers have the flu or a cold, not only those nearby can become infected.
Prevention methods:
If you are sick, be humane and postpone the flight until you are fully recovered. Or at least wear a mask.
Dehydration of the body
The optimum air humidity is 50%. In the salon, it is usually 10%, and sometimes even 1-2%. In such a situation, wrinkles appear on the skin of some passengers very quickly, excruciating thirst and pain in the eyes may begin, the nasal mucosa dries up, cracks form on it that can cause bleeding.
Prevention methods:
It is believed that pregnant women can fly up to 35 weeks (singleton pregnancies) and 32 weeks (multiple pregnancies). Many doctors advise to give up flights altogether during pregnancy. Most airlines have their own restrictions.
The increased level of radiation in the cabin of the aircraft is dangerous to the fetus, especially in the first three months. In addition, pregnant women have a higher risk of blood clots in their legs.
Prevention methods:
For a flight on an allowed, but already long period, it is worth taking a doctor's certificate from the 28th week with an indication of the period and the absence of contraindications.
Scuba diving
If you like scuba diving or scuba diving to the bottom, then before boarding the plane you should pass:
Diseases for which it is worth giving up the flight
If your health is important to you, consult your doctor before flying. There are many contraindications. It is not recommended to fly if:
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We wish you good health and a successful flight!
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