Tourist's first-aid kit: what medicines you need to take with you

A first aid kit must accompany you wherever you go. This is especially true for those who travel abroad - there, almost all medicines are sold only by prescription. As a rule, a visit to the doctor is not a cheap pleasure. Plus, it will take up a lot of your time.

When completing a first aid kit, you need to choose those medicines that suit you best and have the best effect on your body.

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  • painkillers
  • antipyretic
  • anti-cold (from SARS and influenza)
  • allergy remedies
  • remedies for diarrhea and constipation
  • remedies for cramps, cramps and pain in the abdomen, for microbial disorders of the stomach
  • enzymes to normalize digestion (including activated charcoal)
  • ammonia (for first aid for fainting)
  • sterile and non-sterile bandages
  • bactericidal plaster
  • brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide (for wound treatment)
  • ear drops, disinfectant eye drops


For those who go swimming / sunbathing:

  • sunscreen and after sun products
  • burn remedies

For those who go on a cruise by sea or river:

  • drugs that stop the symptoms of "seasickness"

For those traveling abroad:

  • multivitamins
  • means that accelerate the adaptation of the body to new conditions

For those who climb mountains or raft down rivers:

  • harnesses
  • dressing material (bandages, both elastic and plain)

For those who go to the forest, hiking:

  • insect repellents (creams, ointments)

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This set of drugs is not standard and mandatory. Still, when forming a first-aid kit, it is better to consult a doctor. This set of medicines is recommended for healthy people who do not suffer from serious illnesses, and is intended primarily to help with domestic injuries.

If you have any chronic diseases, then you definitely need to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor with you on the road and not violate their dosage and dosage regimen.

While in countries with a hot climate, try to drink more fluids to avoid dehydration. During the day, a hat and sunglasses are required. Remember that people with high blood pressure, for example, may become ill in extreme heat.

On average, the period of adaptation and acclimatization in a country with a different climate takes from one day to a week.

And remember! The names of the same drugs in different countries are different, and some domestic drugs in the EU countries are generally prohibited for sale.

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