The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan informed about the new rules for entering the country in the context of a pandemic.
Those who plan to visit Uzbekistan by rail or flight must present a medical certificate at check-in confirming a negative COVID-19 test result by PCR. The material must be selected no earlier than 72 hours before departure.
The test can be taken only in certain laboratories that have the right to conduct research.
Those entering Uzbekistan through automobile border checkpoints will have to undergo an express test for the antigen of coronavirus infection at their own expense in special clinics or laboratories operating there. Only travelers with negative results will be allowed to enter the country.
Tourists from countries of the "yellow" and "red" zones will have to fill out an obligation form to comply with the 14-day quarantine with self-isolation at their place of residence or in a hotel. Arriving from countries belonging to the "green" zone are allowed to Uzbekistan (only in the absence of symptoms of coronavirus infection).
If necessary, tour operators inviting foreigners and stateless persons who do not permanently reside in Uzbekistan to the country must provide employees of the State Security Service and the State Customs Committee with a certificate with information about persons providing travel services, and an agreement for the provision of travel services.
At the checkpoints across the state border of the Republic, international airports and train stations, it is established that tourists entering Uzbekistan from the countries of the "yellow" and "red" zones on their own, without using the services of a tour operator or travel agent, are allowed into the country on general terms.
If the test result for signs of COVID-19 is positive upon arrival in Uzbekistan, the tourist will be returned to the country of residence in accordance with the current procedure for the carriage of passengers of the respective airlines or other transport companies.
Also, foreigners entering Uzbekistan by cars will not be allowed into the country if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 during testing at the border. This decision was approved by the republican special commission in order to prevent the import of COVID-19 from abroad.
From October 1, 2020, Uzbekistan has opened borders for the entry and exit of any type of transport. Entrants are required to provide a negative PCR test for COVID, and from December 25, 2020, mandatory rapid tests have also been introduced at airports, train stations and border crossings.
Mandatory express testing has been canceled from March 15, 2021. However, against the backdrop of a new increase in the number of cases, from June 22, rapid tests for those entering are reintroduced.
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