During the winter celebrations, the country has a magical atmosphere. Preparation begins almost from the begin...
This holiday symbolizes the freedom and independence of the state and is of great importance for the inhabitan...
Today this holiday is celebrated at the state level in 40 countries of the world
Translated from Farsi, Navruz means "New day" and is considered the beginning of a new year
On this day, they honor the memory of the participants in the Second World War, lay flowers at the foot of the...
The whole republic widely and cheerfully celebrates the main national holiday of Uzbekistan - Independence Day
Schoolchildren, students congratulate teachers, teachers and mentors on their professional holiday
The day of the adoption of the basic law of the country is celebrated in Uzbekistan as a national and nationwi...
The national religious holiday is celebrated by all Muslims. Also known as Breaking the Fast
This is the holiday of the completion of the Hajj, celebrated 70 days after Iid al-Adha, on the 10th day of th...
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