
Showing 71-80 of 104 items.
How not to get sick while traveling

Traveling is not only the pleasure of meeting a new, unfamiliar country, but also partly a risky endeavor. The best way to stay healthy and not "catch" a local infection is to get vaccinated.

Tourist's first-aid kit: what medicines you need to take with you

A first aid kit must always accompany you on a trip. Especially those who travel abroad. There, almost all medicines are sold only with a doctor's prescription, and a visit to the doctor is not cheap....

What to take with you on vacation

Don't take a lot of things with you. Experienced travelers are advised to take more money. Choose universal clothes - for all occasions. On the road, put on things that do not hinder your movements.

Basic rules for budget vacations

Maybe postpone the vacation? ... There is a crisis in the yard, you need to save! ... Such thoughts come to minds of many. But you don't have to spend a lot to have a good rest. You need to properly p...

15 signs that you urgently need to go on vacation

The Association of European Psychotherapists has identified clear symptoms when postponing a vacation is already simply dangerous for the body. Take a short test and find out when you can no longer de...

20 gestures that can get you in trouble

Sign language in different countries is very different: what is considered a greeting for some, is indecent for others. Sometimes a seemingly harmless action can lead to dire consequences for you

Someone else's rules ... or 100 and 1 reasons for an international scandal

A lot of foreigners, not like us! The most familiar and seemingly decent behavior of a tourist can cause shock among local residents, cause a conflict or even a “rendezvous” with foreign policemen!

From the ship to the ball

Time is running out! Today, more and more often you have to go on a business trip from the office. And to the office - from a business trip. How to minimize the negative aspects of many hours of trave...

On vacation without adversity: problems faced by tourists

A vacation away from home can be overshadowed by serious challenges. Below are some of the most common of these problems and how to deal with them.

On vacation alone: what dangers await

Traveling alone is pleasant and convenient: there is no need to coordinate your plans with anyone, to depend on the mood and whims of your fellow traveler. But there are also disadvantages. Our tips w...


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