Kurban Khayit is known as the holiday of completion of the Hajj, celebrated 70 days after the holiday of Iid al-Adha, on the 10th day of the month of Zul-Hijja. Muslims on this day remember the sacrifice of the prophet Ibrahim, go to mosques and distribute alms to the poor and hungry. This is one of the main religious celebrations, reminding Muslims of man's devotion to God and the mercy of the Almighty.
According to the Koran, the angel Jabrail appeared to Ibrahim in a dream and gave him a command from Allah to sacrifice his son. In the legend, the eldest son is called Ismail. Ibrahim went to the valley of Mina to that place (now Mecca stands there), and began preparations. His son, who knew about this, did not resist, but cried and prayed, as he was obedient to his father and Allah. However, when the sacrifice was almost made, Allah made it so that the knife could not cut Ismail. The sacrifice was replaced by a ram, and Ibrahim was given the successful second birth of his son, Ishak (Isaac).
The Arabic name for the holiday of Iid al-Adha is translated as "the holiday of the sacrifice". In the Russian language, the name Kurban Khayit was fixed.
In the Muslim tradition, everything that brings a person closer to Allah is called Kurban, and the ritual slaughter of an animal on a holiday implies a spiritual appeal to Allah.
When celebrating Kurban Khayit, Muslims should take complete ablution and wear clean and festive clothing. They recite the festive takbir, which should be repeated during the morning walk to the mosque.
A festive prayer is performed in the mosque, after which a khutba sermon is read. It usually begins with the glorification of Allah and Muhammad, then explains the origin of the Hajj and the meaning of the sacrifice rite.
The victim can be a ram, a camel or a cow. The victim must be at least six months old, she must be healthy and have no defects. The custom allows for the offering of sacrifice for the departed, if they bequeathed to do so. One lamb is slaughtered from one family.
On the day of the sacrifice, it is customary to visit and congratulate each other on the holiday.
In 2022, the holiday is celebrated on July 10 (can be rescheduled for one day).
January 1 – New Year
January 14 – Defenders of the Motherland Day
March 8 – International Women's Day
March 21 – Navruz
May 9 – Day of Remembrance and Honor
September 1 – Independence Day
October 1 – Day of Teachers and Mentors
December 8 – Constitution Day
Ruza Hayit (Iid al-Fitr)
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